My future job

Image result for atencion primaria en saludIn 2017 my dream was to work in a school, with tennegers ann teach chemistry or sciences in general or in a "pre universitario". Now, my project is different. In the first semester of this year, in the subject  of  "the pharmacist and his action" I learned a lot of things of my career and my possibilities in my future job. The pharmacists can work in industries, laboratories, hospitals, clinics, in a pharmacy, in officines, in the government, with the PDI and more. Now, I imagine myself working in a hospital, in the first attention or in a Clinic. The first attention consist in help people with their medicines, for example with the time when they must take them, with what can of liquid you can take a pill, the dose, recommendations and alternative methods for get better. Also, I would like to work in an hospital or clinic,for example in the pharmaceutical arsenal or in the laboratorios. The pharmaceutical arsenal is a room with the medicines that the hospital or clinic decide to have (this is discussed with doctos, nurses, pharmaceutics and more). When a patient need a medicine,  workers of the place go to the arsenal and show the approved prescription and the worker in the arsenal search the medicine and he gives it to the person. So yes, I would like to work indoors.

In my life I have had the privilege of traveling a lot of places and I very like it, so If it is possible in the future, I would like to travel and work in other countries. I think that you can grow up as a person when you socialize with people of other countries, because you can know so many different things of the culture, food, words, life style. traditions and more!

Image result for arsenal farmaceuticoThe salary is important in your job, but exist more important things, for example I think that the most important thing in a job is that you must to be happy when you do your work. If you aren't happy with your job, is a terrible problem. I know that a lot of people don't have the possibilite or the fortune to find a great job and is terrible. I hope that every person who is reading this blog can be happy with their job in the future.

Now I'm in the second semester of Chemistry and Pharmacy and I'm so happy with mi election of this career. Now, I don't know what type of major I would like to take, but with the time I'm sure that I will be able found the correct specialty.

In the deep of my heart, my dream is teach in a school and help to the students to be happy, to grow up as a good persons and teach chemistry, my passion. Maybe for that I need to study in a pedagogic course. I know the salary isn't the best, but maybe I would be happy doing that.

                                             Image result for walter white in the school


  1. You were really inspired and inspiring.

  2. I'm glad the university helped you see that you can't just be a teacher

  3. It's great that you also want to work in a hospital. We will be work colleagues


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