What I want to do when I finish my career:

Image result for walter white en la sala de clasesToday I'm going to talk about my future after the university. I know that this will happen  minimum in 2025, but sometimes I was thinking what I want to do when I finish my actual career. For be honest, in this moment, I don't want to study immediately after receiving my diploma of Pharmaceutical. I would like to find a good job first and keep working for a years and do some things with my family and my friends. Also, I don't know too much about post-grades like doctorates, magisters, courses and more. 

Image result for farmaceuticos en hospitalI'm very  interested in the pedagogy and I love the way that some teachers can keep your attention for a long time and when they do some interesting activities, the relation with students and the way that they can help their students in academic things or in their life. So maybe I could take a course of pedagogy, because one of my dreams is work in a school and do classes of chemistry or sciences in general and help teenagers to find a wonderful world as the Chemistry is and the sciences. Another topic that I would like to work in the future is in an hospital or in a Cesfam, so maybe I must to study something related with the public health system.

I'm sure that I can study this 2 things in Chile. The pedagogy course I would like to take it in a good University in education careers like the Universidad CatĆ³lica de Valparaiso, Universidad de Chile and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica. For study the public health system I would like to go to other country and study there. I don't know where I can study that but maybe in the future I may know haha. I prefer the classroom classes, I don't like the online classes, because I'm very susceptible to distract me hahah.


  1. teachers often are a great figures inspiring their students in what they want to become. its a noble and gratifying work. I wish you luck in that future :)

  2. Wanting to be a teacher is a big challenge these days. Many dependents of your dedication and love that you place when teaching


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