Insomnia disorder

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In my life, I think that insomnia disorder is the only condition that I had in my life. That's occurred when I was 10-11 years old and it was a bad part in my life, because almost every night I couldn't sleep until  4:00 or 5:00 am, included in the week, when I used to attend classes to the school every morning.

Insomnia disorder is a problem that affect the sleep in the person. For example you could do a lot of things in the day and get tired at the night, but no matter how hard you try to sleep, you can't. It's bad because in the morning and in the day you are tired, with a bad face and bad mood. Your body needs rest at least 7-8 hours in order to achieve neural, memory and physical restoration.

Insomnia can be appear due several situations: anxiety, mood disorders, depression, bad habits (in ex. bright screen use in the night, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and some drugs use, heavy meals at night). Less often primary sleep disorders like sleep breathing disorder, restless leg syndrome, among others.

I chose that disorder because I lived with him in a part of my life and I think that is a good theme to write in my blog this day.

Insomnia is present around the world, so I can't say in what continent or zone more people have this disorder. In all the continents are people with depression, anxiety or bad habits, so it's so probably to found mens and women suffering from this problem.

With this disorder your brain, your body and your eyes feel tired. Also you can have daily sleepy, memory failure, lag of motor accuracy and physical fatigue. So we can say that the principal organ affected in your body is the brain.

To finish this, if you have this disorder now or in the future, you must to go to psychiatrist and talk with him. Probably  he/she would give you some recommendations and eventually prescriptions to drugs, like: melatonine, eszopiclone, zolpidem among others.


  1. I understand you, it's terrible when it happens to me, insomnia is the worst

  2. Oh, what a terrible disorder, I hope that I never have that.

  3. The insomnia its horrible, the next day you feel so tired, but has a chronic insomnia it must be even more worst, i can imagine feel sleepy all the days of my life


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