
Showing posts from 2019
Randoms questions: Violence on television: in my opinion is normal to see violence in the television in this time, also is normal in the videogames, songs and series or movies. I don't have problem to see that. By the way, I very like it but I think that the parents need to be careful with their little children. Adoption: I agree with the adoption because a lot of kids in the world have bad parents or even don't have. It's very important for them to have in their life parents, because they need love, support, education and family. For me it's doesn't matter if a couple of homosexuals want to adopt a kid. I know that the process of adoption is very long and hard, but it's necesary. Having pets at home: I love pets, specially cats. It's one of the reasons that I'm vegetarian. In my house in Talca I have 2 cats: Ani and Botitas. Every time that I go to Talca they recive me with love. It's very funny to play with them and they brigthen life of me,
What I want to do when I finish my career: Today I'm going to talk about my future after the university. I know that this will happen  minimum in 2025, but sometimes I was thinking what I want to do when I finish my actual career. For be honest, in this moment, I don't want to study immediately after receiving my diploma of Pharmaceutical. I would like to find a good job first and keep working for a years and do some things with my family and my friends. Also, I don't know too much about post-grades like doctorates, magisters, courses and more.  I'm very  interested in the pedagogy and I love the way that some teachers can keep your attention for a long time and when they do some interesting activities, the relation with students and the way that they can help their students in academic things or in their life. So maybe I could take a course of pedagogy, because one of my dreams is work in a school and do classes of chemistry or sciences in general and help teena
My future job In 2017 my dream was to work in a school, with tennegers ann teach chemistry or sciences in general or in a "pre universitario". Now, my project is different. In the first semester of this year, in the subject  of  "the pharmacist and his action" I learned a lot of things of my career and my possibilities in my future job. The pharmacists can work in industries, laboratories, hospitals, clinics, in a pharmacy, in officines, in the government, with the PDI and more. Now, I imagine myself working in a hospital, in the first attention or in a Clinic. The first attention consist in help people with their medicines, for example with the time when they must take them, with what can of liquid you can take a pill, the dose, recommendations and alternative methods for get better. Also, I would like to work in an hospital or clinic,for example in the pharmaceutical arsenal or in the laboratorios. The pharmaceutical arsenal is a room with the medicines that
My experience in Brighton: The last year my father told me an option for me in the summer: go to other country (like USA, England, Canada...) for learn english. I was so nervous, because my dream was to go exchange to other country and stay there for 1 month or more. I accepted his option and we contacted an agency for help to us in the process. The first step was to choose the country and I chose England. The school that the agency gave to use has schools in London, Brighton, Cambridge and Canterbury. I thought a lot in what city and finally I chose Brighton. Brighton is a city in the south of England, near to London (1 hour by train) and is a city with a lot of young people and students. I left Chile in January 5. My first flight was Santiago-Sao Paulo and then Sao Paulo-London. Unfortunately when I arrived London, my suitcase was in Sao Paulo! It was terrible for me. I only had a t-shirt in my bag and that's all. I took a coach form London to Brighton and I arrived at my new
My future profession In 2018 I had too many options of what kind of career I wanted to chose. I thought in Medicine, Geology, Ingineering, Biochemistry and Chemistry and Pharmacy. It was a hard decision, because when you choose a career you need to think that you will do that for the rest of your life and if you decision is wrong, you lose time, money and maybe you could be sad. The positive aspects of my future profession are that we must to know a lot of effects of medicines, chemical reactions, effects in the human body, substance composition, skills in the laboratory and the most important part in my opinion is that we can help in the health system of our country, because hospitals, clinics and pharmacies must to have people that studied chemistry and pharmacy. Also I like the subjects that we have in each semester, so is good for me. We have a lot of chemistry combinated with maths, physics, biology and more! and I very like to work in the laboratory with my section mates, it
A country that I want to go in the future I think that one of the most important things in the life of people is learn new things everyday and one way to do that is when you travel to other country (for example, for holidays), because you have the possibility to talk with native people, go to interesting places and eat new food! In this moment of my life I want to go to Germany, because I have a friend living near to Frankfurt and I want to visit her maybe in december or january. Also, Germany is a country where I have  not  been there before and my father say that is a precious country.  For be honest, I know a few things about Germany, but not too much haha. Germany is a country located in Europe, between Poland and France, with 16 states. It is capital is Berlin and others famous cities are Hanover,  Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Stuttgart. If I go to Germany, I want to go to Berlin and see the fragments of the Berlin wall, museums about the war, technology, cars and
My last blog... until now Well maybe it's the last blog that I'm going to write this semester, but I want to say that I have had a great time writing almost every week. Usually, I never write about subjects that I'm interested like my pets, my mobile, my career or technology. I think that is well for the people that want to get better in a language (in this case, English) write blogs and read others, because you can find new words, new ideas and sentences, also you can get information that before you don't know and you practice your writing and reading. In my case, I think now I'm better in my writing and in the capacity to explain ideas and write about them. In school, I had a blog but in Spanish, so this is my first time with a blog in English. Thinking about the future maybe is a great idea to keep the system of blogs, because works well: you read the blog of the teacher, leave a comment, redact your own blog, read the blog of your classmates and leave a
Insomnia disorder In my life, I think that insomnia disorder is the only condition that I had in my life. That's occurred when I was 10-11 years old and it was a bad part in my life, because almost every night I couldn't sleep until  4:00 or 5:00 am, included in the week, when I used to attend classes to the school every morning. Insomnia disorder is a problem that affect the sleep in the person. For example you could do a lot of things in the day and get tired at the night, but no matter how hard you try to sleep, you can't. It's bad because in the morning and in the day you are tired, with a bad face and bad mood. Your body needs rest at least 7-8 hours in order to achieve neural, memory and physical restoration. Insomnia can be appear due several situations: anxiety, mood disorders, depression, bad habits (in ex. bright screen use in the night, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and some drugs use, heavy meals at night). Less often primary sleep disorders like slee
My favourite subject until now... When we were in the school we had some subjects that didn't like so much. In my case, I like almost all of the subjects in my school, but I hate with my life Art, because I'm so bad in that area. So my friends and my parents help me in the projects, but I need to say that I had a subject that I love from the first class: Chemistry. When I was in the first year of the secondary school (2015) I had my first class of chemistry. We started with the unit of atoms and I fell in love with chemistry. I need to say that my school pay more attention in the theoretical part of the science, so my teacher explain the contents with a power point in the class and she wrote exercises in the board, but in some cases we went to the laboratory for do some experiments. I remember that my favourite laboratory was in 2017 and we synthesised soap with oil and others components. The last year the final mark was an exposition and we had to do a  box with a lot
A person that admire in my field... Well, I know that all of us know a lot of important people in the human's history but also I think that all of us have a special person that you can say "Wow, he/she was incredible in his/her life". You can admire doctors, actors, athletes, musicians, artists and others. That's good to have an important person that inspire you in your life. In my case, I love chemistry since 2015 and I'm very interested in the chemistry's history and in the important scientists that existed and still exist. For me, one of the most important persons in this area was Marie Curie. I'm sure that you know this name. Marie Salomea Sklodowska (her born name) was a Polish and naturalized French physicist and chemist. She was born in Warsaw, in the Kingdom of Poland in 1867. She knew how to speak 4 languages with 15 years old. In 1891 she moved to Paris (France) to study in the university. She graduated in mathematics and physics. In 1895
Pets in my life I want to say that I love any kind of animals and they be and important part in my life since when I was a child. Before I was born, my mother and my father had a pet, her name was Pelusa and she was a little grey dog. A friend of my grandmother gave to my mother the dog in 1994 (I think) and then my mother took she to her house in Talca (because she lived before in Cauquenes). So all of my childhood I had my little dog Pelusa with me. She was so funny and I remember that in the summer all the time she fought with the bees and growled to birds and in the winter she slept inside the house, in the floor of my room and she ran a lot around the house for lose energy. She pass away in 2012 I think and I was so sad... I cried a lot and my family too. We buried her body in the garden of my house. After many years without pets, in 2015 my aunt found a cat with baby cats inside her. When they were born, 2 of them were so sick, so we took them to my house and they got bet
A special photograph that I like... Since a few years ago I very like the subject of cameras and pictures. I used to take photos more often and then I posted them in one of my instagram account. Now I don't use that instagram and I don't post something for months, but I have and special photo there. A photo of Camboriú, in Brasil. In December of 2017 I went with my classmates and my teacher to Camboriú for the classic study tour in other country. Well, I took that picture (and I loved it) in the second day there, in the Unipraias Park (you need to take a cableway to get up to the mountain) and you can see in the photo the city of Camboriú, the beach, buildings, the sea, trees, clouds and mountains in the background of the photo. For me, it's an amazing picture and every time that I see it, I remember my amazing week there with my friends in an incredible city and is the reason why I like it. Also, I like the landscape. I want to say that I took the picture with my p
My favourite movie is... I'm a person who doesn't like too much to read books or see films. I get bored when I read a book for more than 1 hour and the same happens when I saw a film (sometimes), I prefer to do more things haha. I only see the most iconics films, but not the less popular films. The most part of the books that I read in my life was the books that the school give to the students for read. By the way, I can say that my favourite film is Rogue One (I'm a very fan of Star Wars). The story happens between the film III and the episode IV. I very like that film because the characters have a good personality and the story is so interesting for the people that follow the saga. The planets, the weapons, the space battle out Scarif, the appearance of Darth Vader (a brutal scene) and the end of the film connects so well the initiation of the episode IV, it's amazing!!. Also, the music in the film is incredible. Sometimes I search the songs in Spotify and I liste
The technology in my life I think that my favourite piece of technology nowadays is my smartphone. I got my first smartphone when I was 14 years old, the Samsung Galaxy Pocket Neo, but actually I have the iPhone SE. My father bought it for me this year, it's a good smartphone. It's easy to use, you only need to press the central button or the lock button, put your password and that's all, you can visit internet, call someone or anything that you want to do. I really use my smartphone all the day, from the morning until the night and I use it all the week. I think that doesn't exist one day without use my smartphone. I really like it because you can do anything! you can search information on internet, you can play videogames, you can chat with your friends or family and it's doesn't matter the distance, you can watch videos in Youtube or series and movies in Netflix, you can see the weather, put your alarm for wake up in the morning... The smartphone is a kind